be you... whatever the form

whether you are a creative or analytical, allegori is here for you to maximize it. we help you be more


a fusion of neuroscience and counselling. We monitor your brain activity AND even teach you how to control your mind.

life brings the waves...we bring the board

our services are geared to help you weather life's difficulties and champion them.

peak performance training (PPT)

for professionals

we train professionals to get the most out of themselves by boosting their productivity and reducing mental fatigue.

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for athletes

the competitive edge starts in the mind. at allegori we train athletes to be mentally tough and resilient for the demands of competition.

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make art with your mind

we turn your your memories into art that you can hang on your wall. Art has become even more accessible and fun.

make booking

My takeaway was that this technology can be used in the service of stories, remembering, preserving and sharing our stories. So while it may seem counterintuitive, this helped us ''bring back de ole time days'' of sitting around talking.

the focus clinic

the focus clinics helps students preparing for major examinations like cxc, cape and even acca.

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my son's experience has been incredible. He had issues with prioritisation and especially with homework. Today his homework gets done before he gets home and he did really well last semester.

contact us

we'll be in touch with you within 24 hours.
you can also call us at
+1 (868) 739-8418

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