Better Sleep
Better Life
No medication

We use neurotechnology to give you the sleep you need to keep going.

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We'll help you beat insomnia.

Getting a good night's rest is important and your not alone if you have insomnia, 1 in 5 people around the world suffer from it every year. It's gotten worse because of the pandemic. Running thoughts and difficulty getting back to sleep during the night.
We can help without a bit of medication

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Recovery for mind and body

Sleep is super important not just for our physical recovery but mental recovery also. If you are forgetting things you just heard, have increased irritability and insomnia we can help you get the rest and productivity you need for yourself.

A skill you build for life

The skills they gain can be used anytime and anywhere. The more you practice the easier it get's. We've even had some people go from 6 hours to 9 hours of sleep in just a few days of training.

What's that device?
It's an EEG headset and is a key part of training. It helps us measure your brain activity and the best part is it's easy to set up and non-invasive. It goes on like a headband and you are ready to go.

see faq

How it works

We put an non-invasive EEG device on your head to visualise your brain activity then you learn how to regulate it for better sleep with the built in the built in neurotraining modules.
See FAQ.

see faq

Realtime Brain data

learn how to regulate brain activity for success using our brain activity visualisation and training tool.

EEG data streaming`

Focus Training

Focus Indicator measures their focus in realtime


data points collected


plus training hours delivered


plus clients served

Meet Neura

Your AI driven neurotrainer.
With the power of our Neuradaptive Technology every person get's served individually.

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What about the results


Our clients significantly increase the quantity of sleep they get; as much as 100% more. The report waking feeling rested and energise. We even had a few that started back exercising in the morning. Let's help you get to the sleep you need and deserve. See results below

Before Training

After Training

Does something have to go on their heads?


Yes. An EEG device, which is available for purchase. It isan important part of the training and is required for some exercises. It iseasy to set up and non-invasive

What is EEG?


EEG or electroencephalograms are a non-invasive measure of electrical activity in the brain. It doesn’t put anything into the brain. It only allows us to record what happening. The EEG headset which is required for use and is available at our Focus Labs but you can order it and have your own Focus Lab at home. The device is a sold separately.

Does it hurt?


EEG are painless and fun. Some people may experience very mild fatigue which usually passes within an hour or two. Most sessions on Allegori Online are about 20-35 minutes which is comfortable usage for the headsets.

Are there side effects?


EEG is safe and has no side effects. One may feel a little tired after training but that passes quickly and reduces significantly with repeated use. It’s like the gym the more you train the better you get and the faster you recover.

Why not just sleeping pills?


Many sleeping pills can cause the user to become dependent on them. They can also become tolerant of the medication so they are not as effective over time. Allegori's method is non-medicinal and works very quickly. Sometimes in as little as one session.

How long does it take to start seeing results?


Typically we start seeing results within the first month. Some clients get changes in as little as a week. Everyone is different so keep an eye out on the changes you experience and be sure to practice on an off the platform so you start bringing your training into everyday life. You'll be surprised where you can use it.

How long should they use it for?


Studies show that the changes become permanent after a year. We have put into the dashboard stats that will show the strengths and gaps are and help close them. Then you use the training to maintain your progress. There will be new activities to hone new skills frequently so look out for those.

What am i paying for exactly?


You are paying for access to the Allegori Online platform which you can go into any of our Focus Labs anywhere in the world, depending on your subscription. Locations are in, Trinidad, Washington, Accra, Anguilla and we're adding new ones frequently. Do email us if you want one near you at

Now there's the EEG headset which is required for use and is available at our Focus Labs but you can order it and have your own Focus Lab at home. The device is a sold separately.

What age can someone start from?


We typically recommend individuals from 7 years old and up. Our oldest user is 93 years old.

I’m forgetting this so easily can this help


Yes, quite often users were experiencing, mental fatigue, irritability, difficulty grasping things, forgetfulness, fragmented attention amongst others. Allegori Online can help. The platform is designed to help reduce mental fatigue and maximize cognitive efficiency so that energy can be put into repair and even learning and memory. Typically memory is amongst the first to start improving. Please note this is not a remedy for dementia and you should seek a clinician for support with that.

Where are your focus labs?


Locations are in, Trinidad- POS at the Oval and CTS college in Chaguanas.
Washington DC, Accra Ghana, Anguilla and we're adding new ones frequently. Do email us if you want one near you at

Still have questions? Use the chat feature or Email us at
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Having done the Sleep Suite program, there has been a tremendous improvement in my quantity and quality of sleep. The brain is a tool and through his training , I have been able to understand the importance of taking control of my brain . From 3-4 hrs of sleep to a solid 7hrs or more is a great improvement in just 2 weeks. No need to count sheep , just use Sleep Suite

Keevan Lewis, Entertainment Entrepreneur

I have had problems sleeping for the past couple of years. It’s been challenging. I’m so thankful to Allegori for helping me manage this very important issue that we sometimes take for granted. Within a couple of sessions I was able to see a marked difference in the amount and quality of the sleep that I was getting. I would highly recommend this service.

Vaughnette Bigford, Entertainment Entrepreneur

Getting 8 hours of sleep has been a challenge for me for years, it only happened once in a blue moon. My sleeping patterns were so bad I convinced myself all I needed was 3 hours of sleep to function. The process was very straightforward, basically like a game. I can say my quality of sleep improved immediately. I now get 8 full hours of sleep regularly.

Immanuel Ottway

I had problems sleeping, sometimes 3am I am still up and as a result I felt very fatigued and stressed. I was able to train my brain! yes! let it know it's time to sleep! After the 1st session my sleep improved! I dreamt too! I have graduated to quality sleep. Sleep is life! I feel better and is enjoying a good balance of deep , light and REM sleep!

Clara Tidd

A hectic and demanding lifestyle creates the risk for  insomnia. I would normally medicate to fall asleep and stay asleep. the techniques I learnt in Sleep Suite has helped to the point that I no longer medicate. The service and professionalism is remarkable.

Sherry-Ann Astor

The Price

We will help you beat your insomnia. From reducing the time it takes to fall asleep to sleep interruptions. All without medication.
Pricing are in TTD

Sleep for Me Plan



1 User

Have insomnia?

Sleep Training
Access to Allegori Focus Labs

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~4695 TTD

1 User

Neurotraining Modules:
Perpetual upgrades
Individual performance reports
Access to Allegori Focus Labs Worldwide

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~8,772 TTD

3 Users

Neurotraining Modules:
Perpetual upgrades
Individual performance reports
Access to Allegori Focus Labs Worldwide

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/user /yr

From 10 students or staff

Neurotraining Modules:
Perpetual upgrades
Individual performance reports

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Partners & Clients

We're proud to have served or collaborated with organisations from all over the world that share our values of supporting and maximizing individual and organisational potential