create art with your mind

Turn your memories and feeling into art gorgeous art that you can hang on your wall.

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from your mind to your canvas

every story told is powerful because it is yours.

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connect in a new magical way

whether you choose to have a private event or to attend ours you connect in a magical way that is unlike any event around.

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the mind is a beautiful thing

when you tell your story or recount some amazing piece of your past your brain lights up in beautiful ways.

We capture that light for you.

for me, well worth it for a rich and memorable evening. Very impressed with the work.

upcoming events

June 15th 2019



amazing stories


unique mindart images

next season opens on the 5th of Feb for valentines

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was surprised at how people were willing to share their stories with everyone. some were happy all were awesome.

private events

mindart is openingup to private events. now you can have just your special family or corporate occasions.

Great for team building, birthdays or just getting everyone together to listen to Grandma's stories.

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Our experience with the Mind Art team was that they were warm, professional, and willing to go the distance to generate a great experience for us. I had them over to a family gathering and people loved what was offered.